Saturday, February 5, 2011

Find myself back.

I want to find myself back. urrggghhh!!!! Where have u been faten??? why are u not the same as before? 

Sekarang i dah jadi seorang yang sangat lack of confidence, low self-esteem dan takot menghadapi kekalahan. All this while, i always ikot je ape yang mereka cakap. but why???arrrggghhhh!!!!!!! Even my mama and ayah tak pernah menghalang apa yang i nak buat. They always support me as long as i tak buat kerja-kerja yang tak berfaedah. I tahu diorang nyer niat tu baik. Diorang nak i berjaya capai cita-cita i untuk jadi ' MAJISTRET'. Tapi i also nk freedom utk buat decision. . If i nak pegi audition tu, is it wrong for me?? I just wanna find back myself. I want to gain back my confidence. Everytime biler i sedih or tertekan, naseb baik lar my friends Fatin Hanani and Afi Afifah will be there for me. I akan minta pendapat diorang tentang semua nie. My friends selalu cakap kt i supaya ikot je kata hati i,jangan ikot cakap orang sangat. Bukan apa, kalau kita asyik ikot cakap orang sampai biler kita nak ada pendirian sendiri. So, i have to follow what my heart say. Actually, apa yang diorang suruh kita buat tu ada betolnya. Tapi tak semuanyer kita perlu ikot kan?? Yelar, diorang tu lebih dulu makan garam daripada kita semua. Dan tak semestinya I pegi audition tu i tak nak teruskan belajar 'LAW'. i nak sangat belajar Undang-undang nie because i want to be Magistret. Audition nie just sampingan je. Lagipun I sangat suka menyanyi nie..cmner i nak ignore je benda nie. Dengan menyanyi lar, i dapat release my stress and whatsoever. i got this talent and i'm so thankful to Allah for giving me that. So, finally i've made decision. I will go for the audition.haha!! 

p/s : Hopefully i dapat lar audition tu...muahahahhaaahaha!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sara's Window

When you think that you've properly done something, but a few, uh okay a lot of days later you recently found out that it actually isn't so, what would you do? 
The thing is, the brain up in my skull up here said that i have done it! But it can't exactly remember when and what was the exact situation. Uh, it might be that I was like, daydreaming; ( I do a lot of those these days)then  the brain up here transfers it into thinking it was a REALITY, or that kinda thing... Or another reason is I might develop a mental disorder. Bipolar or that kinda thing? Damn. Darn. T.T

p/s : Come back to me~